Pferde kaufen - Pferd #5317, Name des Pferdes: Sirius Joe Mountain Trooper, Haupt Spezialisierung: Freizeit, Land: Deutschland, Näheste Stadt: Prague, Rasse: Rocky Mountain Horse, Geburtsjahr: 2011, Geschlecht: Wallach, Grösse (cm): 150, Farbe: Rappe
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LandPferde zum Verkauf, Ponys zu verkaufen, Ställe, LKW, Anhänger, Job, Futtermittel für Pferde Deutschland DEU
NameSirius Joe Mountain Trooper
RasseRocky Mountain Horse
KarteninhaberToril Strooper
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  Sirius Joe Mountain Trooper 

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1. Haupt
Veröffentlichungsdatum26.05.2013 06:18
*LandPferde zum Verkauf, Ponys zu verkaufen, Ställe, LKW, Anhänger, Job, Futtermittel für Pferde Deutschland Deutschland
zum Verkauf zum Verkauf
*Name des PferdesSirius Joe Mountain Trooper
*Haupt SpezialisierungFreizeit
Preis6000 EUR

2. Informationen über die Rasse
Grösse (cm)150
RasseRocky Mountain Horse

3. Stammbauminformation
Land der GeburtPferde zum Verkauf, Ponys zu verkaufen, Ställe, LKW, Anhänger, Job, Futtermittel für Pferde Deutschland Deutschland
Gestüt von Geburt
Sirius Joe Mountain TrooperMcGuire's Kat   
 Ramblin's Sirius Black   

  • 4. Informationen über den Standort
    Näheste StadtPrague
    StandortThis gorgious chocolate gelding is a old typical Rocky Mountain Horse; calm, confident, friendly and easy going! He moves nicely and shows a perfect four beat gait (t?lt). His long blond manes and dark chocolate body are an extra, all will make this Rocky the best and most beautiful ride!

    5. Information über die Erfahrung
    Temperamentkeine Angabe
    Haben Wettbewerbe
    Weitere Spezialisierung
  • Distanzreiten
  • Freizeit
  • Reining
  • Western

  • 6. Impressum
    Kontakttelefon0049 36608 215475
    KontaktpersonToril Strooper
    InternetadresseWebsite Rocky Mountain Horse breeder East Germany, speaks, dutch, german and english.

    7. Zusätzliche Informationen
    Zusätzliche infomationSince a few years me and my kids have a small horse breeding farm. Our passion are the Rocky Mountain Horses so those are the horses we have (-; Our total life is devoted to keep our horses as healthy and happy as possible and I must say we pretty much succeed! We have about 20 Rockies, breeding mares, youngsters and a few males to breed with. We are not a training centre, but are experts in Natural Horsemanship training techniques, so use that in the care, upbringing and training of our animals. The horses are always in variated friendly herds and live in big natural type meadows.. Our fields are around 6 Ha full with natural obstacles what makes the horses strong and smart! Hills, stones, rivers, lakes, grass fields with herbs. We went to live in beautiful Th?ringia Germany to have all these possibilities and create a beautiful natural habitat for the horses!
    The Rocky Mountain Horse is a very special breed. First they are gaited horses! So have, beside step, trot and canter an extra four beat gait what is very comfortable, going fast a a trot but no movement in the back of the horse and that is very comfortable to ride! Perfect for your balance, and also for people with knee and back problems, older and the youngest riders.

    Next to this they are mountain horses, what makes them very reliable. They are bred for safety and not being spooky what can be very dangerous is the mountains. These mountain farmers had one such a horse and this horse had to be able to do all the work; bring the kids to school, pull the plough, get the cattle home etc. So the Rocky Mountain Horse is a all round horse, now use for endurance riding, TREC, western riding, trail riding, vacation....

    The Rocky Mountain Horses are called the Golden Retriever of the Horse breeds! A family horse that is people orientated and a truly amazingly friendly personality (follows you around like a puppy-dog).

    And of course lots more information, you can read on my website: (Deutsch, English and Netherlands).

    BUT I must mention the beauty of this breed here too. The round and well shaped built, pretty heads and kind eyes make them very attractive. With mostly being silver d'appled, so chocolate with blond mane and tail they are one of the most beautiful horses there are!!!

    We have a few of these special horses for sale. Of course all healthy, friendly horses with great personalties and natural gaits. Please take a look at our sales page!

    Do you want to learn more about Rockies, natural keeping of horses, natural Horsemanship and trainings techniques (also can be used on dogs), breeding with Rockies, colour genetics and more you are welcome to visit us. We have a rental vacation house and can offer weekends or mid weeks courses WANNA ROCK. We have a daily BLOG to let you see our way of life...

    Hope to hear from you!
    Toril Strooper
    Animal behaviourist (specialist in dog and cat behaviour, practised in Horse behaviour)
    Official examiner of the Rocky Mountain Horse Association

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