Caballos venta - Caballo #12331, Nombre del caballo: Viktor, Mayor especialización: Doma, País: Rusia, Ciudad grande más cercana: Moscow, Raza: Fris?n, Año de nacimiento: 2014, Sexo: Castrado, Altura (cm): 21, Color: Negro
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Horse Game
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PaísCaballos en venta, potros en venta, establos, camiones, remolques, trabajo, alimentación para los caballos Rusia RUS
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1. El principal
Cambio de fecha18.06.2017 00:12
*PaísCaballos en venta, potros en venta, establos, camiones, remolques, trabajo, alimentación para los caballos Rusia Federaci?n Rusa
*Venta de estado
Venta Venta
*Nombre del caballoViktor
*Mayor especializaciónDoma
*Los precios de la clase3000E-10000E
Precio8800 EUR

2. Raza información
*Año de nacimiento2014
Altura (cm)21

3. Información de pedigrí
País de nacimientoCaballos en venta, potros en venta, establos, camiones, remolques, trabajo, alimentación para los caballos Rusia Federaci?n Rusa
Estable de nacimiento

4. Información de ubicación
Ciudad grande más cercanaMoscow
UbicaciónKushelevskaya road 3 Building 8, Kalininsky, 195220 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Mapa de ubicación

5. Información acerca de la experiencia
Han llegado las competiciones

  • Clase

  • Una mayor especialización
  • Doma
  • Enganches
  • Poni
  • Reproducci?n
  • S?lo caballo
  • Western

  • 6. Información de Contacto
    Email de
    Teléfono de contacto+79697322390
    Persona de contactoManny Foxx
    Página de Internet

    7. Información adicional
    Información adicionalVicktor is one of the sweetest Friesians you will meet! Golden character with a fantastic brain! Very well ridden under saddle for his age and an excellent dressage prospect.
    Who will become the happiest horse owner? Whoever buys this fantastic horse will be the luckiest person on earth! Vicktor is 3 years old, but he has a golden character! One in a million horse. Vicktor will do anything for you. He is very brave. He is the type of horse that will bond with his owner, he is so loving.
    Vicktor is an excellent dressage prospect with his outstanding movement. He is forward, but very controllable. He is not a lazy horse. He learns things very quickly and has lots of talent. Very eager to learn. He moves off the hand and leg very easily. AND he has a phenomenal canter for a young Friesian! You can already canter him with no hands. He is very comfortable to ride, he is not lofty at all. Great if you have lower back problems. You will have a BLAST on him!
    Vicktor has a beautiful head and neck with great conformation. You will love his refined face and kind eyes. He comes by it honestly, he has excellent breeding. His father is the champion approved stallion, Bartele 472. Bartele is noted for his beautiful conformation, active hind leg and beautiful trot. Victor is full papered with a great motherline: Ster-

    Vicktor comes with a recent pre-purchase exam and x-rays.
    Vicktor is such a sweetheart and a great buy because he has so many years ahead of him.

    8. El acceso a la tarjeta
    Mensaje del modo dePermiten enviar mensajes a esta tarjeta
    Modo de seguridadTodo el mundo puede leer la tarjeta y comentarios

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